Supporting Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth Spring 2018

April 20, 2018

CORA Services Conference Center
CORA Services
8540 Verree Road
Philadelphia, PA 19111

Presented by: 

Samantha Taylor, LSW, M.Ed.  is the Clinic Coordinator at the Gender & Sexuality Development Clinic. She is the initial contact for families who are interested in coming to the clinic for an evaluation or need additional supportive services. Samantha helps coordinate care for families as well as provide information to schools, behavioral health professionals, and medical teams. She also coordinates and leads trainings for schools on how to support gender non-conforming students and how teachers and supportive school staff can create gender inclusive classrooms.


Katelyn Regan, LSW, M.Ed.  is the clinical social worker at the Gender and Sexuality Development Clinic. She works with transgender and gender diverse youth and their families.   She provides one-on-one psychotherapy, connects families to trans-competent care close to home, and schedules medical appointments for the clinic’s 500+ families. Katelyn also provides education and training to medical, counseling and education professionals about the complexities of gender identity and how providers can become more inclusive in their respective practices.

Cost: $70.00

Download the Brochure and mail to

Ceil Hanas at 8540 Verree Road, Philadelphia, PA 19111  For more information call 215.701.2629 or register online here.

Registration begins 1/2 hour prior to stated program time. Pre-registration is required. Cancellations made LESS THAN 72 HOURS before the programs will NOT be refunded.

Objectives: As a result of this interactive workshop, participants will be able to:

·         Define gender identity, gender expression and transgender

·         List two stages of gender identity development

·         Identify one step of the assessment process at the Gender and Sexuality Development clinic at CHOP

·         Name two referral/resource options to provide to transgender youth and/or their family

Intended Audience:

This program will benefit Psychologists, Social Workers, Mental Health Counselors, Educators, Principals, Teachers, Graduate Students, and other practitioners within mental health and education who provide direct services and/or parent/teacher consultation for this population.

Credits Offered:

·       NBCC:                     3.5

·       Psychology Credits: 3.5

·       SW, MFT & PC:       3.5


8:30       Registration

9:00       Conference

10:30       Break

10:45       Conference

12:45       Evaluation and conclusion

You can register online, make your payment here.Pay Now
 CORA Employees can register online, make your payment here.Pay Now